Wednesday, November 27, 2013

essential oils + savvy sale

a big welcome to all Savvy Salers!  i hope you've had a chance to enjoy your Savvy Sak of coupons and deals (and your newly purchase items)!  :)

i'm Karen.  i have two little ones (2 years old + 5 months old) + i use essential oils on them every day.  i really believe in the power of natural medicine.

take a look around the blog + if you have any questions about Young Living Essential Oils, send me an email: oilandbubble (at) gmail (dot) com!

i'd love to hear from you.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

thieves + lessons learned

i recently recovered from a flu-like two full days. What did i do? i didn't take any antibiotics. i slept as much as i could. The only thing i added was applying thieves essential oil blend to my feet every few hours.

the day that i started to feel sick, i rushed out the door + did not apply thieves. as i usually do. during the day, i felt a little light-headed...and totally wished i had a bottle of thieves with me to apply and boost my immune system.  when i got home, i was already a mess.

my symptoms:
+ fever hanging around 101degF.
+ icky, nauseated feeling in the stomach
+ body achiness
+ tiredness

i felt so gross and throw-up-y, i immediately applied 2-3 drops of thieves to the bottoms of my feet+ headed to bed (not easy for a mother of two).  i applied thieves every time i woke up (which was about every 2-3 hours, since i'm still nursing a 5-month-old baby).  i also applied peppermint to help cool off my body.

i did not vomit during the illness.
my fever went down to 99degF after applying peppermint. (+ i could function for an hour or so + interact with my family before heading off to bed again.
of course, i wasn't eating much, but at least i was able to nurse my baby okay.

lessons learned about thieves:
+ don't ever forget to put thieves on in the morning before leaving the house.
+ diffuse thieves in the house everyday during cold + flu season.
+ while sick, it seems like applying thieves helps the body recover faster.

note about thieves: one of the essential oils in it is lemon + lemon is photosensitive (so never apply thieves to an area exposed to sun in the next 24 hours).