who I am...
My name is Karen Hsu. I am a mother of two young children, wife to a wonderful man for nine years, + I am continually trying to keep my family healthy.
why I started oil + bubble...
my journey with Young Living Essential Oils began in July 2013, when a good friend of mine invited me to attend a class about essential oils + learn their natural health benefits. I was quite skeptical about their healing powers + signed up with the Basic Kit (the cheapest...shhh!).
two days after the kit arrived (with lavender + peppermint oils), my 2-year-old daughter came down with a UTI after dinner. she was screaming + it was painful knowing that I couldn't do anything until the morning (to call the doctor's office). I remembered my oils + contacted my good friend who recommended I apply the lavender essential oil to her lower abdomen + back. I did so before she went to bed.
in the morning, I reapplied again.
at noon, she wasn't crying anymore during urination. she wasn't complaining at all.
thus began my journey with essential oils + I want to share my experiences with you.
what oil + bubble means...
oil + bubble is a play off of a quote in Shakespeare's MacBeth ("double, double, toil + trouble"). I am a writer of YA fantasy + am currently working on a novel about three sisters who have Gifts, much like the three witches in MacBeth tell fortunes. the sisters encounter a father-figure who uses essential oils for healing. if you want to check out my author site, come on over!
oil + bubble also refers to the process in which Young Living Essential Oils are created (via steam distillation).
the disclaimer...
The information + material on this website is meant to be used ONLY in conjunction with Young Living Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils. The use of any other brand may not yield desired results + could be harmful. All information contained herein is purely for informational purposes. None of the information here is intended to replace the advice of your medical professional. This information is not for self-diagnosis + it is not for treating or curing any disease. This is merely a sharing of my personal experiences + I do not guarantee your results. None of the information contained on oil + bubble has been evaluated by the FDA + is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any disease. If you have a medical condition seek the advice of your healthcare provider.